Home > April Budget

April Budget

April 5th, 2006 at 08:25 pm

This month is tighttighttight.

I got paid $1140.00 on Friday, and its gone already. We had some extra in the account, but only a couple of hundred. So, assume $1300 to start.

through experience, ive learned to go ahead and deal with groceries and gas, or else we end up with insane charges on the credit card. then rent, then car payment, then everything else.

Discover was head hunting, so i paid the minimum for this month and last month on Friday, because we couldnt scrape enough together last month. Wave goodbye to $253.

So, I spent $204 at Walmart on Monday - the extra four was for sun burn stuff, i got a really bad one on Saturday. But $80 of that is for my gas (Brandus pays for his own), and $120 for groceries this month. Last month we had a little left over on the gift card, which i forgot to take into account.

Then rent is due today, which is $650.

Half of car payment went out, at $190. we owe another $190, as well as $85, which is late fee plus what we couldnt pay last month.

Tmobile was a nice surprise at $17.00, so that's been taken care of.

Comcast, Atmos, and Xcel, and the car insurance are still outstanding bills, and im not sure how we're going to come up with the money to pay them.

Current Planning:

Brandus is tutoring, plus his parents sent some money, so that will help. We have about $50 left in the savings account, and i just pushed the last $25 out of my personal savings account.

Will post on current schemes in a little while, once Ive gone through books and movies to see what can be sold, either through or ebay.

Wish me luck.

3 Responses to “April Budget”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    time to get really creative. I've been there. here's my brainstorms, disregard if you've already tried them...........
    - approach your landlord, explain the cash crunch and see if there is a way to work for some of the rent. Beg if need be
    - Comcast. Cable TV?? Cancel it
    -contact the accounts that are late or have past late fees. Again, explain cash shortage & ask if interest could be waived?
    -contact car insurance agent & brainstorm ways to shave anything at all off the upcoming bill.

    I don't know if luck is what you need.............I'll hope for wisdom instead!!
    Keep us posted

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I will wish you luck and wisdom!

  3. midlight21 Says:

    I was out of work for 7 months once and things were VERY TIGHT, not that they aren't still but not nearly so much! I wish you luck on getting everything paid. I agree with Contrary, cancel Comcast.

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